Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Review: Vaseline Healthy White - INSTA FAIR & NIGHT REPAIR

Hai beautiful... XOXO
Today I wanna review super new product from Vaseline Healthy White
The products are so special for me because I get the opportunity from yukcoba.in to try by myself
Yup I get this product for free... and I must give my honest review for this product.

Yesterday.... I receive the package from Yukcoba.in

Here we are....

What's inside?

Vaseline - Insta Fair 190 ml
Vaseline - Night repair 200 ml


Open Caps
like Other Vaseline product
with small hole to control amount of the lotion do you need


Texture: Watery lotion, not sticky
Smell: floral smell - so fresh 

After blend in into my skin
Texture a little bit thick
thicker than Vaseline Night repair
Take 2-3 minutes to absorb 

Is it INSTA FAIR effect?
Yup There is some difference between my bare skin and my skin with Vaseline INSTA FAIR Lotion
The magic of glowy and pearly skin appear after wait for 2-3 minutes.
For my tan skin... It's make my skin look brighter than usual from the first use...
absolutely I'm happy to find this lotion....

Texture: a little bit thicker than Vaseline Night repair but It's okay not sticky
Effect: Smooth feeling especially for my elbow
Smell: Lovely smell, so fresh all day... not long lasting but when I smell my skin I feel nice smell still stick on my skin even after 3-4 hours after use.

VASELINE Healthy White- Night Repair

Texture: not so watery but not sticky
smell: lovely smell but I can't describe it...

After Blend: easy to absorb just rub and wait a moment
Very nice texture... so smooth... I love to use it

There's no difference color than my bare skin tone
Just make my skin glowy
But I love the smooth effect for my skin
make my skin hydrate all night long
Texture: watery texture... so hydrate for all night long
Effect: Smooth feeling always
Smell: Lovely smell, so calm...

I love This product so much...
Cheap and affordable
the most important....
It's not causes my skin Itchy and allergic reaction...
FYI, my skin is so sensitive... easy to get breakout after I use wrong body lotion (example which make my skin allergic are M*rks and sp*ncer body lotion, The B*dy Sh*p body lotion)

I love Vaseline product and also this product too...
All Vaseline texture always not so thick, not sticky, and very suitable for Indonesian people because of high humidity levels in Indonesia.
.....don't forget to always use the body lotion to give some nutrition for your skin, make your skin always healthy and smooth... and then It must be increase your self-confidence...

thanks Yukcoba.in for the product...

If you wanna get some opportunity to tested and review sponsored product like me...
you can visit the web yukcoba.in
then you can choose beauty product, food, gadget or another sponsored product which you want to try...

enjoy all XOXO...

Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Lolabox June 2013 Edition

Yeah just go home yesterday after business trip to Timor Leste again....
Lolabox already came before I'm go home on Monday
(maybe this Lola came on friday or saturday)
I already subscribe This Lolabox last month....
I pay for it IDR 145.000
Yeah... of course I'm so excited for it...

Lolabox - June 2013
It's a one of beautybox service in Indonesia.
Yupp... it's very very surprise what's inside your box.
you will receive the goods from Lolabox next month after you subscribe.

Here we are.....

After I remove the JNE plastic cover
just white box with Lola Sign above...
Opened the box.... there's a hard box inside with nice sky blue color with lola sign over  it

Yeah... Theme of this month is Traveling
A little bit too late... because I just go home from my trip
But It's okay... I think I need this checklist for my next trip...

Inside My box
a voucher from Kay collection

What I get:
Skin Aqua - 1 set
The Faceshop - Sunblock Spf 50+
The Faceshop - Rice Mask
Clarins  - Whiteplus serum
Clarins - Sunblock spf 40
Orlane Parfume
Make Over Liquid Foundation
Bun helper from Kay Collection
Luggage tag

Skin Aqua set

Honestly I don't really excited with this Skin Aqua Set because I already get it last month from Beautytreats on May edition...
Skin Aqua is my best traveling stuff while I'm in Dili... super High SPF is make me feel safe all day.
no white cast, smooth texture, no oily and travel friendly size...
very suitable with Timor Leste Climate - dry and hot sunny...

Make Over Liquid foundation
Yeah This is one stuff that I really love the most inside this box because it's Full Size. hahaha...

The color I think suitable for my tan skin.
I got the no.4 Amber color

but this make me disappointed the expired on December 2013.
I'm rarely use foundation, I think I wouldn't finish it on December...
I hope they give me at least expired over a year

Orlane Parfume - nice smell but not my type

The Faceshop Sunblock SPF 50+
I love to try new sunblock because
I will change my Shiseido sunblock
(because give me white cast)

Clarins UV plus SPF 40
yeah sunblock again... I already try this
texture:  light and watery
no white cast
I recommended for oily skin
and this stuff suitable for my skin

Clarins white plus serum
Yeah whitening product... so excited

The Faceshop Face Rice Mask

other stuff:
Bun Helper
I really love it.... I can use without see the tutorial

Luggage Tag
Nice Idea... But I hope next Lolabox give the Exclusive stuff
example like this luggage tag with special design and Lolabox sign

If you wanna try to Subscribe this Lolabox... click here

(+) I excited for Make Over foundation because the shade suitable for my skin
(+) I love sunblock stuff: Clarins, TheFaceshop sunblock

(-) I don't really excited for Skin Aqua set because I ever get it last month - I hope Lolabox have another Idea than just follow another beauty box...
(-) I paid for same price but I don't get Makeup Forever, JF Lazartige which I see on another blogger Lolabox June. yup Unfair I think...
(-) Expired Make Over foundation is too short just 6 months... at least give 1 year before expired...
(-) I expected more because Lolabox is more expensive than "cheap beauty box" but I'm not satisfied to get it.

- subscribe again? maybe but not for next month... I will see if there's no progress for next box... maybe I wouldn't subscribe again.
- Satisfied level: 2/5 (the "cheap beauty box" is better) - Sorry Lola...

Anybody feel same like me?
please give me comment...


Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

7 Deadly sins for my skin... (my version)

Tulisanku ini ga Se serem judulnya sih...
tapi cuma mau share penyesalan di masa lalu....

Sampai saat ini saya kurang percaya diri kalau tampil tanpa make up
Bahkan di blog pribadi ini juga masih kurang percaya diri untuk memajang fotoku sendiri...

Dulu aku sangat kasar, jahat sama kulitku sendiri... aku sungguh menyesali kelakuan burukku dengan kulit wajahku sendiri...
Sekarang aku berusaha memperbaikinya

Perlu diingat, memperbaiki sesuatu yang sudah rusak memang sangat susah, tapi lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak sama sekali

ini adalah kesalahan fatalku terhadap kulit ku di masa lalu....

7 deadly sin for my skin:

1. Mengabaikan Sunblock with SPF and PA
Dulu aku aktif olah raga sejak SMP... voli, basket, renang, atletik uda bagian dari hidup deh..
Waktu kuliah aku juga ikut kegiatan kampus yang mengharuskan aku kerja (jadi tukang bangunan + tukang kayu dadakan) di pedesaan baca: KKN....
Waktu selesai KKN.... muka mulai keliatan bintik2 hitam + dekil + gosong
Ternyata itu hasil dari tidak pakai sunblock selama sekian tahun....
Seperti biasa... penyesalan datang kemudian... susah hilangkannya... wajah jadi kusam

Latulipe my previous sunblock
dan spf nya cuma 15... kurang cocok untuk kegiatanku yang sering diluar ruangan
dan bikin aku komedoan parah

2. Cleanser yang serba instant
Cleansing 3 langkah.... wew... ini namanya ribet... padahal penting
aku pas SMP-SMA itu pas lagi booming2nya Ovale face instant cleanser... (kayanya sudah tidak beredar lagi di pasaran)
merek ini menjanjikan bersihnya wajah dalan sekali usap. Mana aku males banget bersihkan wajah, tentu tergiur sama produk ini...
Habis pake ovale ini, langsung tidur tanpa cuci muka + oles2 pelembab...
Serius alkoholnya merusak kulit. kulitku jadi kering parah, jerawatan, greasy.
Then... bodohnya aku pake sampe habis... dan repurchase... (merasa kebangetan aku menyiksa kulit ini)

3. Malas ritual skincare
Dari dulu aku males pakai skincare. pengen cantik tapi males.... mana ada..
jadi aku jarang banget perawatan ke dokter. jarang banget facial, jarang banget pake krim2 sebelum tidur, padahal aku tau kulitku bermasalah dan sensitif.

4. Pakai Skincare yang tidak cocok secara terus menerus
Setiap produk skincare pasti sudah diuji dan di testing ke beberapa orang. harusnya dibuat untuk kebaikan kulit tapi tidak semua orang cocok tapi aku memaksakan diri pakai merek Latulipe karena murah.

karena aku pakai skincare dengan pengetahuan yang pas2an yang terjadi
meskipun komedoan (komedo yang keras) saya tetep lanjutin pakai skincare ini sampe lama.
karena dalam mindset aku KOMEDO SELALU ADA DI SETIAP WAJAH

sadar aja baru2 waktu aku mengenal female daily (thanks ya yang aktif di female daily)
Dari situ aku baru menyadari ada yang salah dengan keadaan kulitku... dengan menggunakan skincare yang pas, maka sekarang blackheads.uda pergi... meskipun kadang ada 1 atau 2... yg banyak whiteheads, itu pun gampang dikeluarin.

5. Pengetahuan Cleansing kurang
Ya aku suka makeup dan bisa makeup sejak SMP... tapi pengetahuan tentang cara removing make up atau penggunaan skincare masih pas2 an...
ini sebenernya karena aku sejak dulu tidak diperkenalkan dengan yang namanya cleansing oil / make up remover. jujur aku baru kenal makeup remover /cleansing oil pas baru2 saja.
jadi wajah suka komedoan, jerawatan... padahal aku bersihin pakai cleansing foam 2x.... ternyata harusnya lebih rumit dari itu....
Saat ini... ini makeup remover favorit aku
bukan untuk mata, tapi untuk seluruh wajah juga
tentu diikuti cleansing milk + cleansing foam setelahnya

6. Suka pegang/pencet jerawat/komedo
Ya memang kalo ada jerawat bawaannya gemes pengen pencet sampe keluar isinya.
soalnya sakit banget kalo isi jerawat itu belum dikeluarin
hasilnya flek hitam2 deh .... masi tetep nangkring di wajah sampe sekarang.... meskipun sudah bertahun2 treatment.
Jadi... Kalo ada jerawat bersabarlah saja... maka akan sembuh dengan sendirinya...

7. Tidak menjaga makanan
Ini paling susah.... hindari makanan yang menyebabkan alergi.
makan boleh asal tidak berlebihan.
Makanan yang harus dihindari:
---- makanan berlemak dan protein terlalu tinggi (karena merupakan penyebab nongolnya milia, jerawat dan komedo) ----> tergantung masing2 orang
---- Makanan dengan banyak mengandung pengawet dan pewarna, krn bikin kulit kusam... sebab racun2 itu terjebak di bawah kulit.
---- Makan dengan kandungan gula tinggi... sebab bila gula darah tinggi, luka sulit sembuh termasuk jerawat juga susah sembuh.

yang harus dilakukan:
---- Banyak makan sayur2an dan buah2an... (sayur + buah adalah antioksidan kan bagus untuk kulit, bisa untuk detoks racun2 di tubuh )

Jujur ini paling sulit, tapi aku sedang berusaha...

Yahhh that's all my 7 deadly sins what I do to my skin...
sekarang aku sayannnggg banget sama kulit wajahku
aku pelihara baik-baik... karena dengan skincare yang benar, kita bisa merawat aset penting kita yaitu wajah.

Puji Tuhan Sekarang jerawat sudah jarang2 nongol di wajah. Kalau dulu, jerawat yang susah cari tempat karena populasi jerawat di wajah sudah penuh sesak.....
Untungnya sudah membaik meski susah, namun usaha yang keras dan kemauan yang tinggi... tidak pernah sia2 kok....

Ini aku tulis murni pengalamanku, supaya mengingatkan atau memberi inspirasi
agar tidak ada lagi kelakuan buruk yg kamu lakukan terhadap kulitmu...
terus berbagi, saling mengingatkan antar blogger.

thanksss girls... love you so much...

last pic...
My Face... wkwkwk...

this is my bare face
just using loose powder and eyeliner
so many scar on my cheek...
can't see clearly on photo but actually it's very strong dark scar

Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Inside my traveling beautycase - inspiration

Holiday is coming....
hahahaha.... not yet I think...

Because I will go to Bali just for this escape weekend, I wanna show you what inside my traveler case.
For me it's so important to stay beauty while I'm on traveling... you know why???
Because when I'm travelling, I always take a picture, family photograph, or friends gathering photo that I will show in FB, Instagram or anywhere
hahahaha... for me it's very important to perfect anytime...
EHHMMM....not too perfect its okay lhaaa, at least
"foto dengan muka yang layak dipajang"
 in english apaan ya?
...."fresh face"...
 at least ga muka lecek, rambut ga awut2 an ntar disangkain mbak2 yang dagang sarung pantai >.< !

Criteria my traveling stuff:
1. Small packaging... small size (that's why I love to ask some tester when I buy skincare)
2. Simple to use
3. multi function
4. can live without it....
5. Never de-pot my skincare.... my dermatologist, beauty adviser say that it can decrease quality of the product.
6. Waterproof cosmetic only...

Maybe it can be your inspiration...

This is my skincare bag:

Childish bag hahaha
I choose the clear bag and plastic material because  easy to find my stuff, and easy to clean 

open case....

- milk cleanser (viva package travel friendly)
- Toner (small size)
- moisturizer (small size)
- face soap (small size)
- face sunblock (don't have small size T.T)
- night cream (from my dermatologist)
- hair velcro
- eye cream (sample)
- facial wipes (important to remove all makeup )
- face cotton and cotton bud

body and hair care:
- Deodorant
- shampoo
- hair serum (small size)
- contact lenses case
- baby powder (can use if prickly heat happen to my skin)
- soap
- eau de toilette

arrange them in one case

make up bag:

quite small case

simple makeup for traveling
and no foundation because I can use concealer as my foundation

see the detail
eyeshadow - brown color can be bronzer / shading
blush on - I choose 3 color , can be highlighter too

what's inside:
- concealer maybelline
- skinfood powder (can live without it although the packaging so bulky)
- eyeshadow
- blush on
- traveling brush (lip,concealer, smudge brush, angled brush, powder brush)
- eyebrow pencil
- mascara (waterproof)
- eyeliner (waterproof)
- eye primer (use to avoid smudge out my eyeliner even without retouch a whole day)
- mini anna sui mirror

another thing that I keep in my handbag:

- two way cake (I can use to touch up and foundation too if I need)
- lip balm (tender care oriflame, can use for makeup remover, elbow cream)
- lip gloss
- lipstick (small size)
- body sunblock (so bulky size but I use for me and my family)
- and hand cream also I use it for body lotion


That's all inside my traveler case...
that's I use for 3 days trip just for escape weekend

Maybe same If I going to business trip.
but much different If I going to friend / family wedding trip.

So it might can be your inspiration what you need while you on vacation....
thankssss girls...

XOXO... muachhh

Senin, 03 Juni 2013

Hand Cream is a must - Vaseline hand cream, etude missing you - I can fly hand cream review

Hai hai I wanna share my quite new habit about hand cream....

Yess Hand cream... it's a little bit different than the body lotion....
Hand cream is always offer some extra moist cream, more moisture is better

Aku rasain butuhnya hand cream sejak akhir taun lalu.... *telat banget yahhh*
yeah soalnya selama ini aku tinggal di lingkungan tropis dan kelembabannya sangat tinggi.
Kota Surabaya termasuk yang lembab... beda lho sama Bandung atau Jakarta....
jadi aku ga pernah ngerasaain yang namanya terganggu karena tangan kering.
faktor lain juga aku d kantor tidak ber-AC yang terlalu dingin.

Suatu saat aku ditugasin kantor untuk dinas ke Timor Leste.
then di sana ternyata iklimnya Keringgg banget, beda jauh banget dengan Surabaya. (Kirain deket2 Indonesia, iklimnya ga beda jauh)
kalo mau cerita tentang Timor Leste saat ini click here

yang aku rasain perasaan kulit tangan ketarik2 waktu abis cuci tangan....
sumpah, baru kali ini aku ngerasaain tanganku perih pas habis cuci tangan. sampe keriput2 gitu rasanya.... digaruk putih semua.
sikut jadi kasar semua kaya parutan kelapaaa T_T
saking keringnya sampe kalo senggolan kaya kesetrum listrik statis....
Masak cakep2 Nyetruuummmmmm T_T

yup pada saat itu mamiku kirim "penolong"...

Vaseline hand and nail conditioning

Scent : wanginya floral gitu, segerrr banget, krasa adem d kulit... ini favorit aku banget baunya.
temenku ada bilang baunya kaya timun. segerr...
Tekstur: sheer banget, watery, ga lengket.... ga gitu nampol tapi lebih thick dari body lotionnya vaseline yg pink (whitening kalo ga salah)
Price: sekitar Rp 20.000- 30.000 an

Di Timor kaga ada yang jual hand cream....
toko kosmetik aja kaga ada, boro2 cari hand cream...
mentok body lotion....

yeah trus sekarang meski uda pulang Indonesia aku masih tetep lanjutin kebiasaan pake handcream dan bawa hand cream kemana-mana. bikin hydrate kulit jari jemari....
meski kulitku ga putih, tapi yang jelas aku ga mau kalo aku salaman sama org, tanganku dibilang tangan kuli bangunan... (walaupun aku kerja di proyek bangunan....) hahaha
yaa masak cewe tangannya kasar.

Another my Favorite hand cream with super cute packaging

superrr cuteee baabbby .... * ow sorry Owl addicted*

really cute owl
left: Apple , right: peach

caps opened

Etude Missing u hand cream seri I can fly

Scent: yang hijau baunya seger banget kaya creamy creamy apel
yang kuning creamy creamy buah tertulisnya peach sih... tapi mungkin ada yang kurang suka karena baunya bikin neg.
tapi aku suka yang seperti wangi2 creamy seperti itu.
Tekstur: thick banget.... dikit aja udah nampol, tapi ga lengket.
Price: sekitar Rp 100rb dapet 2 biji...

Whats your fave handcream?... share2 juga ya... soalnya aku newbie untuk perkara handcream... kali aja ada yang lebih nampol...

thanks girls... XOXO